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(c) Emiliano Troco. |
Nuovo podcast dedicato ad un controverso ritrovamento a sua volta avvenuto in una controversa formazione geologica cinese. Ci domandiamo se alcuni dinosauri cinesi siano sopravvissuti dopo l'impatto che chiude il Mesozoico, e se tra questi sia compreso un misterioso predatore gigante.
Scusate il disturbo dottor Cau, quindi l'ipotesi di una fauna intermedia tra il Mesozoico e il Cenozoico e la sopravvivenza di teropodi non aviani dopo l'impatto rimangono pure speculazioni per non dire fantascienza?
RispondiEliminaGiordano Salvatore
Non esiste alcuna fase intermedia tra Mesozoico e Cenozoico, e nessun dinosauro non-aviano è ad oggi rinvenuto nel Cenozoico.
EliminaWhat is your hypothesis on the mystery tooth? I'm only an interested layman but it looks to me very much like a carcharodontosaurid tooth? But its way to young? A megaraptorid or abelisauroid? I'd love to listen but I don't speak Italian.
My hypothesis is that the tooth is a likely mid-Cretaceous carcharodontosaurian tooth redeposited due to erosion: Buck et al. (2004) have shown that the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene levels in the Nanxiong Basin have suffered significant rework (which led authors in the past to believe that there was evidence of Paleogene dinosaurs in this basin), so I suspect it is more parsimonious to consider that tooth a ?mid-Cretaceous reworked tooth instead of assuming some new lineage in the end Cretaceous of China.
EliminaHello, sorry to bother you but I'm interested in the "mystery tooth" I'm only a layman but at a glance it looks like a carcharodontosaurid tooth? What is your opinion on it? I'd listen to it on the podcast but I cant speak Italian or understand it.
EliminaSee above your comment.